
OFEK: Learn Hebrew, Israeli Spirit, Israeli Innovation, Enrichment, and more

Holocaust Courses

Whether you are an educational institution, community organization, or a group of friends with at least 10 participants, we offer FREE tailored Holocaust courses to suit your needs and interests. Our team of experienced instructors is dedicated to enhancing your group’s knowledge, fostering empathy, and contributing to a broader awareness of the past.


Today more than ever, it is important to learn about the Holocaust.

What do we know about the Holocaust?
How do we feel and think about it?
How do we ensure that it will never happen again?

Together we will: Learn – Remember – Honor the memory of so many who perished in the Holocaust.

OFEK offers a variety of courses that explore how and why the Holocaust happened, using videos, primary resources, survivors’ artwork, a virtual tour in the Holocaust Museum, and survivors’ reflections and testimonies. Our approach is to make complex issues accessible and engaging for all students.

Learning about the Holocaust can inspire each of us to think critically about the past and our responsibility today. We will examine the implications of the Holocaust in our own lives and our role as keepers of the memory and guardians of justice today.



עכשיו יותר מתמיד חשוב ללמוד על השואה.

מה אנחנו יודעים על השואה?

מה אנחנו מרגישים וחושבים על השואה?

איך נוודא שזה לא יקרה שוב?

יחד אנחנו נלמדנזכורנכבד את זכרם של אלו שנכחדו בשואה.

אופק מציע מבחר של קורסי שואה, המביאים תכנים ולימוד עכשווי על הנושא. בקורסים השונים נחקור איך ולמה קרתה השואה תוך שימוש בסרטי וידאו, מסמכים מקוריים, עבודות אומנות של ניצולים, ביקור וירטואלי במוזיאון ועדויות של ניצולים. בדרך הלמידה המיוחדת של אופק ננגיש נושאים מורכבים לתלמידים בכל הגילאים.

לימוד על השואה יכול לעזור לנו לחשוב בצורה ביקורתית על העבר ועל האחריות שלנו היום. נבדוק את ההשלכות של השואה על חיינו ואת תפקידנו כשומרי זכרון העבר והצדק בעולמנו היום.

What We Offer

The Life and World of Anne Frank 4th-6th Grade

We invite you to participate in this program specifically curated for young kids. The Holocaust...
English 5 Sessions Multiple Dates

Hidden Figures of the Holocaust 8th-12th Grade

We invite you to join us in the exploration of hidden figures of the Holocaust....
English 5 Sessions Multiple Dates

Voices from The Holocaust 7th-12 Grade

Following the rise in Antisemitism around the world and with the ever growing need to...
English 5 Sessions Multiple Dates

The Next Chapter 7th-12th Grade

We invite you to participate in this program specifically curated for teens. A close look...
English 5 Sessions Feb 20, 2025

The Shoah Diaries 4th-6th Grade

We invite you to participate in this program specifically curated for young kids. Inspired by...
English 5 Sessions Feb 20, 2025

To learn more about opportunities for Collaboration with your local organization please email us or click to schedule a 30 minute meeting with OFEK's Partnership Director.

Past Courses

Voices from the Holocaust, 7th-12th Grade

Ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is observed in January, we invite you to...
English 5 Sessions Jan 22, 2024

Talking to Your Children About the Holocaust

In honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day, OFEK HUB is inviting you to a parents’ meeting...
English Jan 25, 2023

Yom HaShoah Remembrance Event – Virtual Tour in Holocaust Museum

Join the community to commemorate Yom HaShoah, On April 26th, 2022, at 5PM PST/8PM EST...
English 1 Session Apr 26, 2022

Virtual Tour of “Holocaust Museum LA” for Adults

Holocaust Museum LA is the first Holocaust Museum in the United States founded by survivors...
English 5 Sessions

Echoes & Reflections

The ‘Echoes & Reflections’ course is offered by the Yad Vashem Museum in Israel and...
English 5 Sessions

Holocaust through “Violins of Hope” 8th-12th Grade

Experience the history of the Holocaust through the language of music. Learn how the treatment...
English 5 Sessions

“Love in a Postcard”; the Holocaust survival story of Rita Berwald (Rimalower-Nettler) a Kindertransport child 4th-6th Grade

Ahead of Holocaust International Remembrance Day, that will be observed in January, we invite you...
English 5 Sessions

Holocaust through “Violins of Hope” Adults

Join us and together with Anat Sadan and Susanne M Reyto, Author and Chairman of...
English 5 Sessions

Voices from the Holocaust II: Advanced Holocaust Studies

This class will focus on a more in-depth study of the history of the Holocaust,...
English 5 Sessions

Do you have any questions?
We have the answers!


Classes at OFEK start on September 30th!

Open chat
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