
OFEK: Learn Hebrew, Israeli Spirit, Israeli Innovation, Enrichment, and more

Learn Hebrew. Experience Israel. At home

REAL Hebrew, the Israeli way. Fast, easy, effective. Warm and friendly teachers.


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Thank you so much for Ofek Hub! Every Wednesday, on this long and complicated year, we had this little diamond to our souls. We met through online learning Hebrew and got to meet a really great group of people! This experience made things easier with school and learning at home, and we are looking forward to starting new year’s courses!

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הבן שלי בן התשע רצה ללמוד עברית ובתנאים הקיימים של זום, זה עלה על כל ציפייה, השימוש בשתי השפות עברית ואנגלית היה אידיאלי. במהלך השיעור הוא עשה הכל כולל כתיבת אותיות (מימין לשמאל כפי שלמד במהלך השיעור) ובסוף השיעור היה פשוט מאושר! היה קורס עברית מקסים הלוואי וגם בשנת הלימודים הזו, הייתי יכולת להמשיך לעבוד מהבית ולראות את הבן שלי לומד במתכונת מסודרת וחינוכית, ממליצה בחום!

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Thank you so much for an amazing Hebrew courses! My son loved them, and he learned a lot. The most important thing was that the teacher made the learning process fun and interactive! He learned to read and write in Hebrew and was excited to meet his family in Israel and speak with them and connect in so many levels of understanding the language and the culture.

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אני רוצה להמליץ בחום על שיעורי העברית של אופק. שני ילדי נרשמו לכיתות עברית לקראת נסיעה לישראל בקיץ. השיעורים היו מהנים ואינטראקטיביים והילדים שלי שמחו לעלות לשיעור מדי שבוע. שתי המורות לימדו עברית בגישה ישראלית ועשו חיבור יפה בין השפה לארץ ישראל (שמות מאכלים, מקומות בישראל וכו'). תודה אופק!

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I have attended many college-level courses continuously, both in-person and online, and Ofek teachers are truly engaging and enthusiastic about subject matter and encouraging to students! I look forward to re-enrolling to the next cycle of courses and hope one day, not too far from now, my communications like this will be written in Hebrew!

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We are 4 students that met almost 2 years ago in Hebrew class, in the depths of Covid. The class was a lifeline to all of us, because like everyone else we were stuck at home. Through class discussions and breakout rooms, we started to get to know one another. For the past year and a half, the four of us have met every week for 1-2 hours to practice Hebrew. In the process, we have become close friends and also met each other in person. I don't think that any of us expected to become part of a new, close-knit community through Ofek, but that's exactly what happened. We are grateful to Ofek for bringing us together.

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My 9 year old just took her first trip to Israel after this class, and it made the whole experience so much more meaningful for her because she has a basic understanding of the foundation of our history. OFEK classes fill an important gap in our kids' education.


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